Praying The Psalms Discipleship Journal (Digital Download)
Praying The Psalms Discipleship Journal (Digital Download)
The book of Psalms contains 150 “chapters.“ Some of the Psalms are songs addressed “to the choirmaster“ for corporate worship, some are individual songs, prayers and poems of lament and thanksgiving, but all display a raw, honest and beautiful way to experience intimacy with God through every circumstance, struggle and emotion.
This prayer journal focuses on the Psalms of David, who is credited with 75 of the 150. Known as a “man after God‘s own heart,“ and one of the greatest warriors of all times, we can learn so much from him about living with an open heart even as we face various challenges and battles throughout our lives. Looking at his psalms also gives us the words to pray when the pain and confusion of our situation might tempt us to shut down and shut out the One who loves us most.
As David prayed:
“Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life.”
Psalm 54:4 ESV